Thursday 31 July 2008


Using chains to train with is never a good idea. There are the health and safety concerns, legal concerns, life and death concerns. It shouldn't matter if "everyone is careful", or "no-one is swinging it wildly", accidents happen - easily with a heavy metal chain.

This may well be the last post of the blog since there isnt much point going to classes where your safety is put in danger and no regard for it is taken. I'm sure that in feudal Japan training with a sharp sword was a great idea, but then someone invented Kendo with its pads and wooden swords - for a good reason?

Most martial arts are very carefully regulated and have insurance and make sure that the student has insurance. For a good reason?

How does using a chain help one train anyway? Good for dodging chains, poor for replicating roundhouse kicks as kicks behave differently to chains.

Monday 28 July 2008


1st post, 3rd session.
Started off with some groundwork, moving from hold to hold. This was fun, just relaxing and not worrying about making great holds. I got in a position where I felt as if an armbar might be fun, but having never done one I had no idea how to do it. So Mike showed us how it was done.

Then we did some fun 'yielding'-style game. I liked that a lot. Hmm, my memory isn't so good and its past the weekend, now I can't remember good.

Oh yeah, Nausea. So it seems that I have a sensitive neck - all enemies take note. Just practising getting out of strangles and chokes in a really light relaxed way, and wow did I get dizzy. To be fair I was spinning around and trying any which way to escape. It was weird though, I didn't pass out or anything, just felt sick for the whole evening afterwards and the whole next day. I slept a lot too.